Goal Setting Tip #3: Results Day


We tend to attribute our successes to milestones and finish lines crossed. This loss of emphasis around the most important part of this process (the journey) results in a culture of pushing ourselves beyond limits and a constant feeling of being unsatisfied.


Eliza Hamilton wasn’t wrong when she accused Alexander Hamilton of being incapable of feeling satisfied. How could he when he was a young, scrappy, and hungry immigrant with a thirst to prove his intellect?


“Just you wait” was my own motto towards so many of the things I held as milestones in my own life. Whether it was executive status in my corporate career, or losing XX amount of weight before posting a picture on Instagram. But clearly, Hamilton didn’t have the personal development tools we do. So let’s get to WORK -



We’ve kicked off the 1st day of the month with ‘Goals Day’ and are ready to tackle the goals.

The next step is to schedule the last day of each month as ‘Results Day’ to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished in the month. The objective is to reflect on everything that was accomplished and make sure to focus on the how. The how is usually habits that were formed in achieving these goals. If you’re worried about what you weren’t able to get done, this will be addressed in next week’s post ‘Goals Day’ so don’t worry about that for now.



The purpose behind Results Day is to really transform appreciation from reaching these milestones to the journey that one takes to achieve them. In celebrating what you accomplished, the habits you cultivate will pave the way towards transformations you desire to bring into your life by allowing yourself to let go of social constraints of success.



This framework allows goals to be broken up into a monthly, achievable fashion but also utilizes the momentum towards creating actionable goals for the next month! Read Goal Setting Tip #2: Goals Day for more information.



YOU! I do this with my friends and family so recruit your accountability people and get going for September! Don’t wait until the first of a new month to start. Save the graphics below to curate your own Results Day based on the items I do to celebrate!


The celebration can be as big or small as you want! I truly believe that the sky is the limit for what’s achievable so the celebration should have a parallel limit. I love to celebrate by eating a cheat meal, not counting calories, and indulging in a glass of wine. Sometimes I celebrate with a loved one and sometimes alone, either way, it always includes a dance party. But regardless, the exercise has not only made me accomplish more things from my annual goals list but also realize how much more potential I have by really checking in with myself.


Sunday Checklist: How to Start Your Week Set Up For Success


Goal Setting Tip #2: Goals Day