Affirmations with Avni

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About A Sub 2 Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training Plan

In February 2020, I ran the San Jose Spartan Super with two of my best friends. To give you some context, I’m recreational road-race runner. Not only was the Spartan race on more “trail” terrain but it was also an OCR (Obstacle Course Race). In case you’re wondering, I could do a grand total of zero pull ups and my upper body strength was nonexistent. BUT, I was convinced to try this out and have no regrets because the race seemed like such a fun, collaborative environment. Needless to say, the Spartan was entirely different from my other races. Before I even ran this one, I was already motivated to start training for the Spartan Trifecta.  


Then the Pandemic hit. For my physical abilities, this was the best thing to happen because it allowed me to put together a daily workout plan that gave me with the foundation to work towards the other fitness goals that I had. I hit my weight goal, was running faster than ever, and felt so strong - the feeling was incomparable. Consistency was always the eternal struggle for me and I realized that it was because I had never formed the habit to exercise. I only ever ‘got into shape’ because I would sign up for or races that I had to pay for. When there was little accountability though, nada. No progress.


Fitness goals are always part of my overall, annual goal and this year was no different. When my friend, Brandon approached me to run the Spartan Super in Monterey and train for a Half Marathon, it took little to no convincing – I was so down. At the time, I was simply following an Intermediate Workout Schedule to help me reach my weight goal. I saw no reason why the three goals couldn’t be combined. At the end of the day, races are experiences, and forgoing them because I’m trying to reach a certain weight is not the type of life I want to live.


Fast forward to now: I was running almost monthly half marathons with my dad so I contemplated training for a Marathon, but my next running goal will really begin full-force distance training in July (details to come). Then it dawned on me that this was the perfect time to retrain for a Sub 2 Half Marathon. I had tried this training plan last year for the Lululemon X Strava Seawheeze Half Marathon but had to cut my final few weeks due to the fires and poor air quality. The training plan had me run 13 a few times during the long runs and the best time I had was 2:04. So while I wasn’t able to crack Sub 2:00:00 quite yet, I knew that with an actual “race” mentality I could do it. But this times the charm.


I already feel so much stronger/fast than I did last time during this plan and the integration of different types of runs has been aligned with my Spartan Race training which includes Speedwork and Hills. Since the OCR is a combination of strength and endurance, I’m trying to integrate more strength in my workouts while not compromising form and cardio because it’s what I love most!


P.S. This plan was created based on my experiences with previous races as well as a continuation of existing workout schedule sprinkled in with some training plans I found online. I have to disclose that I’m not a professional and this works for me but it may not for others. The most important thing is to trust and listen to your body. But in the hopes of helping you all achieve their goals, I’m attaching two plans – one is for a Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training and the other is what I have been following, a Sub 2 Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training. Good luck and let me know how it goes! I can’t wait to hear all about your fitness journey.

Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training Plan

Sub 2 Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training Plan