Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts about a Sub-2 Half Marathon


Ever since I started running marathons, halfs have become the “fun race.” Obviously there are still good days and bad days, but for the most part, a half is always doable without too much training or destroying your body. Take this with a grain of salt because I’ve been running for a few years now and it took me a while before I could be comfortable saying that.

How did we get here and how did this start (read Everything You Ever Want to Know About a Sub-2 Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training Plan)?

  • This year began with me trying to lose weight and get to a new weight loss goal which was the Intermediate Workout Schedule (Weeks 1-3)

  • Then, I was recruited to train for a half marathon and Spartan race with my friends - insert, Sub 2 Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training Plan (Weeks 4-16). I chose to run to train for a Sub-2 half because I wanted a bit more of a challenge and I had

  • But unfortunately, life got in the way with them being able to continue so I tried to keep it up on my own (with my trusted training accomplice aka my father).

  • And with less than a month left, we received notice that the Spartan Race was going to be postponed which was honestly not too much of a bummer for me because I was trying to juggle training for both races while still trying to lose weight

  • Probably should mention that this was all in addition to my me working full-time + finishing grad school apps, taking 3 course, and studying for + taking the GRE 🙃I promise it sounds a lot worse than it was because I survived lol

So before I get into the results, here is my overall reflection:

I haven’t experienced hedonic adaptation the way I have with running. It’s crazy to think that I’m able to run the distances I am now because I know that I wouldn’t have been able to fathom doing so when I was 19. It began with the goal of finishing, getting the distance in. Then it evolved to ‘finish feeling good.’ Now, speed has become a component and longer distances have started to feel normalized to my body. I really want to be able to continue to improve 1% to the previous version of me but there’s importance in recognizing that I may be going beyond 1% improvement and sending my mind the message that ‘I’m not good enough.’

I share this to not stop running or take away from the happiness I feel with achieving my goals, but recognize that until I can fall fully in love with the journey - the destination will always be short-term happiness.


With that being said, I was able to finish on Saturday, May 23 in UNDER 2:00:00. I had actually hit another Sub-2 PR during my training which left me feeling truly on top of the world. I can’t wait for races to return this year and even more excited to hopefully begin training for my newest endeavor in July! It’s definitely going to be a journey but it will teach me so much about myself emotionally and physically.


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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About A Sub 2 Half Marathon X Spartan Race Training Plan