Affirmations with Avni

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It Finally Feels Like Fall!

Fall marks the beginning of the holidays. The start to my favorite time of year. Colder weather that leads to cozy homes, adorable décor that sparks creativity, and opportunities for traditions to be built or continued. Some of my rituals remained the same, runs on the neighborhood trails and quality meals with my parents but others have been created.


1. Walk + Podcast/Talks

 I LOVE going on walks. They make me feel present, energized, and creative. Sometimes I struggle fitting these into my schedule but it helps me to schedule them into my day. Depending on my mood, I either listen to a podcast episode (favorites are Unlocking Us by Brene Brown, The Michelle Obama podcast, and Armchair Expert with Dax Shepherd & Monica Padman) or call/Facetime a friend!


2.  Weekly Workouts

Building healthy habits are challenging to do on your own, I never understood the impact joining a community/ surrounding yourself with those who share similar goals. One of my best friends has shared a similar mindset towards healthy lifestyle and fitness, so we decided to incorporate the activities during our hang outs. This allows us to enjoy each other’s company while we work towards our goals!


3.      Return of Wine Wednesdays

One of the most memorable experiences from college was the creation of weekly Wine Wednesday that was birthed by my fellow partner in wine and me. We expanded the tradition to our prized “wine squad.” Obviously, we shared love for the beverage (catch me retiring on an Italian vineyard?) , but mainly the quality time and cherished conversations with one another. This time, we decided to add an “adult” element that included our shared love of food. Using a random country generator, we would cook the cuisine of the country selected. A perfect little way to bring part of the world to your home during a time when travel is limited.

What are your favorite Fall traditions?!