A Letter to My Future Self

In a recent trip upstate, I purchased the most adorable book titled 5,203 Things To Do Instead of Looking at Your Phone by Barbara Ann Kipfer. One of the prompts was to write a letter to your future self so here goes:

Dear future Avni,

I hope you read this at the perfect time. Your former self is writing this in 2023 and I have no doubt that time will go by in the blink of an eye. Here are three things I hope you embrace:


Get out of your head:

You used to be careless and carefree and it allowed you to be such a joy to be near. This enabled being present in social situations and courage that comes from not having fear of something going wrong. With time, you’ve cared abut more which has come at its own costs. Fear of perception and desire for perfection have brought about anxiety that was new to your mid and late twenties. I don’t hope that this goes away because having this can be viewed as a superpower but I do hope you stop thinking about what people think and how they will perceive you more. Return to your former carefree self and allow only yourself to set the parameters of fun, success, and happiness.

Stay true to yourself.

It’s easy to succumb to peer pressure and this might be one of your biggest struggles. It comes at the cost of being open-minded and curious but there are limits to going overboard. I hope that the relationships you have continue to grow and others enter your life. My hope is that you set aside fears from your relationship of the past and allow yourself to be vulnerable to what love can bring. I hope you set boundaries with friends so that they can respect you for putting yourself first. I hope you prioritize family and continue strengthening those ties despite the distance in between.


Get outside more.

There is so much beauty in life that’s beyond the screens of electronic devices. Despite technology continuing to evolve and absolve us, I hope that you still read books and savor turning pages, go outside to experience the awe that nature can offer, and engage in activities that require movement to facilitate the mind/body connection. I know how much you love to control and plan but the truth is that all of that is beyond your control. I won’t be naïve as to tell you to stop that but I hope that you channel your control into things that will bring you happiness both short and long-term. No matter what’s to come, your relationship with yourself will ensue so be sure to prioritize that.




The Realm of In-Between